“You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil.”

-Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

Who we are

We’re Jack and June — a couple from the United States traveling, teaching English and living abroad. After living in South America, Europe, and Asia, we wanted start chronicling where we’ve been, how it went and where we’re going next. Here, we’ll write about the places and sights we’ve seen as well as the logistics of a living a life abroad. We hope you’ll take a moment to see where we’ve been and we hope it’ll inspire your own ideas of where you’d like to travel or live next. 

Living abroad in Spain has it's perks - A cobblestone street at sunset in Toledo, Spain
Toledo, Spain
Living abroad in Chile - A flamingo flies over a Salt Flat at Salar de Atacama, Chile
Salar de Atacama, Chile
Living abroad in Chile - A bright yellow road sign provides direction to a penguin colony on Chiloe Island, Chile
Isla de Chiloé, Chile

In each entry we’ll include photos, thoughts, recommendations, and reactions. Some posts will be memories from life abroad long ago, others will be dispatches from our current travels, and of course, how we’re planning for our next trip.